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White Rock, Arkansas

  • Sarah Heissenberger was awarded a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to continue her research!

  • Dr. Ashley Love's Biology Letters manuscript on perceived cues of infection was featured in The Atlantic and Science News! Nice job Ashley!  You can read The Atlantic article here.

  • Jahnavi, Savannah, Coleen, and Ashley M successfully defended their honor's research in Spring 2021. Savannah, Coleen and Ashley are off to medical school and Jahnavi is headed to LA to work at a Dana Farber campus.  Congrats and good luck!

  • Will Kirkpatrick was awarded a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to continue his research on thermal variation and avian nesting ecology. Way to go Will!

  • Madeline Sudnick will join the lab in August!  She was awarded a University of Arkansas Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. Congrats Madeline!

  • Sarah Heissenberger joined the lab this January and was awarded a University of Arkansas Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. Congrats Sarah and welcome!

  • Dr. Erin Sauer began a postdoc position in the DuRant lab in January 2021. Welcome Erin!

  • Sarah is named a University of Arkansas Connor Faculty Fellow

  • Ashley was awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to work with Dr. Sarah Knutie at UConn.  Congrats Ashley!  We’ll miss you!

  • Coleen Weist and Angel Campos-Melara received Undergraduate Research Scholarships from the Univ of Arkansas.  Spring 2020

  • Sarah received an NSF CAREER award to investigate the role of maternal behavior in driving bidirectional interactions between offspring phenotype and pathogen evolution.

  • Chris started a postdoc with Dr. Kendra Sewall at Virginia Tech. Congrats Chris! We will miss you!

  • Ashley was named a 2019 Commencement Marshall at Oklahoma State University and Outstanding Graduate Student in the Dept. of Integrative Biology.

  • Jeff Krall is named a 2019 National Goldwater Scholarship recipient

  • April, 2019 Sarah was awarded the University of Arkansas Extraordinary Woman Award.

  • Ashley won Best Poster Presentation for the Division of EcoImmunology and Disease Ecology at the national meeting of the Society of Integrative Biology (Jan. 2018)

  • Chris won 2nd Place in the Best PhD Platform Presentation competition at the North America Society of Environmental toxicology and Chemistry Annual Conference (Nov. 2018)

  • Jeff Krall won 2nd Place in the Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation competition at the North America Society of Environmental toxicology and Chemistry Annual Conference (Nov. 2018)

  • Ashley is awarded an Animal Behavior Society Research Grant, 2018

  • Jeff Krall won 3rd Place in the Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation competition at the Society of Environmental toxicology and Chemistry Annual Conference (Nov. 2017)

  • December 2017, Sarah is named an NSF Professional Awareness, Advancement, and Development Faculty Fellow at University of Arkansas. 

  • August 2017, The DuRant Lab moved to the University of Arkansas!

  • Anna Smith is named a Wentz Scholar!

  • Chris won Best Talk for the Division of Animal Behavior at the national meeting of the Society of Integrative Biology (Jan. 2017)

  • Oct 2015, Chris recieves continuing fellowship support as an OSU Interdisciplinary Fellow ($2500) Congrats Chris!

  • Oct 2015, Chris' manuscript titled, "Is altered behavior linked to cellular energy regulation in a freshwater mussel (Elliptio complanata) exposed to triclosan?" is accepted to Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part C.  Congrats Chris!    

  • Sept 2015, Our book chapter is published in Nest, Eggs, and Incubation: New ideas about Avian Incubation.                     

  • Aug 2015, Undergraduate Researcher Lauren Schmidt recieves a Wentz Scholar Award!  Lauren will use this to support her honor's thesis research investigating how personality of prey (shy vs. bold) effects their behavioral and physiological responses  to a predator cue, and will try to reveal the underlying changes in gene expression associated with these responses     

  • July 2015, Our work investigating the physiological effects of parasitic infection in hellbenders is published in Journal of Experimental Biology!  Hellbenders with leeches have reduced ability to respond hormonally to an acute stressor.              

  • March 2015, We published a paper in Journal of Experimental Zoology detailing localized changes in glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid receptors in skin tissue in response to wounding.             

  • Jan 2015, Chris' manuscript titled, "AMP-activated protein kinase is a biomarker of energetic status in freshwater mussles exposed to municipal effluents" is accepted to Science of the Total Environment.  Congrats Chris! 

  • Dec 2014, Ashley receives a Sigma Xi Grant!  Congratulations Ashley

  • Sept 2014, Chris receives a $2500 fellowship from the Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program at Oklahoma State University!  Congratulations Chris!

  • Chris received a $5000 Top Tier Graduate Fellowship from Oklahoma State University!  Congratulations Chris!

  • April 2014, Ashley Love receives a prestigious NSF GRFP!!!!  Congratulations Ashley!

  • March 2014, Chris Goodchild joins the DuRant Lab!  Welcome aboard Chris!

  • Jan 2014, Our research made the cover of Biology Letters!!!

  • Dec 2013, Amanda's manuscript, "Influence of incubation recess patterns on incubation period and hatchling traits in wood ducks Aix sponsa" was accepted for publication in Journal of Avian Biology.

  • Nov 2013, "Are thyroid hormones mediators of incubation temperature-induced phenotypes in birds?" was accepted for publication in Biology Letters.

  • Sept. 2013 two manuscripts were published.  One in The Journal of Experimental Zoology and one in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.

  • August 2013 Sarah travels 1645 miles to set-up shop in Stillwater, OK.

  • June 2013 Ashley Love joins the DuRant lab as a PhD student.

  • May 2013 Maria Arciniega of Pomona College in Claremont, CA begins her NSF REU working with Sarah.

  • May 2013 Sarah DuRant joins the faculty in the Department of Zoology at Oklahoma State University.


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